pat dewees author

Pat Dewees Author

Welcome to the website for my books. My latest book is It Was a Magical Place.

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Latest Blog Posts

The End: What will be the last story idea?

Posted 7/27/2024

  I am about to ask a philosophical question.  What if creators of movies and books run out of ideas? I would have to think that movie theaters would have no new movies to showcase.  They could only show movies that were released before they ran out of ideas.  There is another option.  Movies…   Read More

Literary Agents are the Ticket if Any of Them Care

Posted 5/18/2024

I could have labeled my previous two blog entries with Roman numerals I & II and this one as Roman numeral III.  This is the third blog post about my publishing odyssey for It Was a Magical Place. Read More

It’s a Wrap: How my Book Became Available

Posted 6/15/2024

Once the winter holidays had passed and a new year had begun, I set about my goal of publishing my book It Was a Magical Place.  There was one publisher that was guaranteed to not turn down the chance to publish my book: me.  As you will read below, I did many of the things that a publishing company does. Read More