pat dewees author

Pat Dewees Author

Welcome to the website for my books. My latest book is It Was a Magical Place.

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Latest Blog Posts

It’s a Wrap: How my Book Became Available

Posted 6/15/2024

            Once the winter holidays had passed and a new year had begun, I set about my goal of publishing my book It Was a Magical Place.  There was one publisher that was guaranteed to not turn down the chance to publish my book: me.  As you will read below, I did many of the things that a publishing company does. Read More

My Visit to Writing School

Posted 4/27/2024

I couldn’t tell how I got my book written and published in one article last month, so I am continuing to explain now and probably again next month.  I will now talk about a writer’s conference that played a pivotal role in the development of my latest book. Read More

Literary Agents are the Ticket if Any of Them Care

Posted 5/18/2024

I could have labeled my previous two blog entries with Roman numerals I & II and this one as Roman numeral III.  This is the third blog post about my publishing odyssey for It Was a Magical PlaceRead More