Does Death Have a Place in Children’s Fiction?

Does Death Have a Place in Children’s Fiction?

A child’s mind is a powerful thing.  It enables the child to constantly gather information from his/her environment.  Soon the child is able to remember truths that their parents and others tell him/her.  Next, a child learns that some stories are not true but are still worth telling, seeing, hearing, and reading.  A child is…

Writers Owe Their Careers to the First Amendment

Writers Owe Their Careers to the First Amendment

                Taking sides on politics is generally not a good idea for a business.  When a business comes out with a statement regarding civil rights, freedom, foreign policy, etc., it offends roughly half of its customer base.  On the other hand, businesses in the entertainment and media sector of the economy have reason to be…

books into movies

See You at the Movies

It would be a cliché’ to say that it is every author’s dream to see their story on the big screen.  I will just say that getting a book adapted into a movie is a big positive step in a book author’s career.  Not all books are stories that should be made into movies.   However,…