humanity vs AI writing

Get Your Ringside Seats: It’s Humanity vs. AI

Posted 5/6/2023 Imagine that you are trying to meet your favorite journalist.  This is a journalist whose news articles usually have the relevant facts and whose opinion columns reflects the writer’s keen insight on issues.  You visit the offices of the publication where this reporter works, knock on the door that bears that journalist’s name,…

shoeless joe jackson

Say It Aint So, Joe

Posted 5/5/2023 “Say it ain’t so, Joe” is a powerful sentence.  You may have heard it a few times.  Legend has it that when baseball great “Shoeless” Joe Jackson was walking into a courthouse after he and seven teammates were accused of throwing (to “throw” in this case means to lose on purpose) the 1919…

explorers first blog post

Time to Launch a Blog

Posted 4/29/2023 I am writing my first blog post. The blog is called “Explorers” because if you appreciate my books, you have an explorer’s heart. You love to explore new ideas. If it is a story and a character is exploring a place, it is like you are with that character. As a child, I…